A Story of an Island 2021_CD production
Music/ choreography and film project
『沉浮』"Sink and Rise"
由溫啟安作曲,王予婕影片編導,Angela Wang製作,Xavier Bell舞蹈演出。『沉浮』是一個關於掙扎與希望的影片。我們都曾被黑暗環繞,等待光明乍現的那一日來臨。這支影片將在今年3/27號島嶼故事之二『遺失的搖籃曲』舞台劇中上映
A video created for Jessica Wang’s theatre “The Echoing Lullaby” (2022), which is coming to stage at Corner House Art Center in Taipei City, Taiwan on March 27th, 2022.
我不能哭_英文版/ 中文版
Numb_English/ Chinese version
舞者 Choreographer: Xavier Bell
原創音樂作曲、作詞、製作與混音、影片剪輯:王懷瑩Angela Wang
Original music composition/ spoken words/ production / mixing/ video editing by Angela Wang
音樂所有權 2021年Angela Wang
Copyright 2021 Angela Wang
影片編導 王予婕Cinematography Jessica Wang
影片協製 Camera assistance Mateo Tewari
原創音樂錄製於2021年十月七日在紐約市Pinch Recording錄音室
Original music recorded at Pinch Recording NYC on Oct 7th 2021
錄音師 Recording engineer Scott Lindner
第一小提琴 Violin I Megan Atchley
第二小提琴Violin II Alex Hu
中提琴Viola Andy Lin
大提琴Cello Jillian Blythe
低音提琴Double Bass Desmond Bratton
豎笛Clarinet Christopher Bush
打擊樂器Percussions Andreas Brade
人聲 Spoken words Xavier Bell
『失去的重量』"The Weight of a Lost Dream"
A video created for Jessica Wang’s theatre “The Echoing Lullaby” (2022), which is coming to stage at Corner House Art Center in Taipei City, Taiwan on March 27th, 2022.
失去的重量_英文版/ 中文版
The Weight of a Lost Dream_English/ Chinese version
舞者:張凱蒂 Choreographer: Katie Zhang
原創音樂作曲、作詞、製作與混音、影片剪輯:王懷瑩Angela Wang
Original music composition/ spoken words/ production / mixing/ video editing by Angela Wang
音樂所有權 2021年Angela Wang
Copyright 2021 Angela Wang
影片編導 王予婕Cinematography Jessica Wang
影片協製 Camera assistance Mateo Tewari
原創音樂錄製於2021年十月七日在紐約市Pinch Recording錄音室
Original music recorded at Pinch Recording NYC on Oct 7th 2021
錄音師 Recording engineer Scott Lindner
第一小提琴 Violin I Megan Atchley
第二小提琴Violin II Alex Hu
中提琴Viola Andy Lin
大提琴Cello Jillian Blythe
低音提琴Double Bass Desmond Bratton
豎笛Clarinet Christopher Bush
打擊樂器Percussions Andreas Brade
人聲 Spoken words Brittany Clendening (English) 朱麗貞 (中文版) Aicha
Video/ images of our recording session at Pinch Recording NYC
"Metamorphosis EP is available on all major platforms
Gallery of our recording session at Pinch Recording NYC Oct. 7th 2021

Angela Wang
Artisitic director/Producer / composer/ music producer

Jessica Wang王予婕
Playwright, Projection
"It truly is a pleasure to be able to work with so many passionate, creative artists together. The process of making this project happen has been quite a fascinating journey. Some parts of me believe that the universe manages us to meet so that we can finally tell the story that has been buried within us, but have been forgotten or neglected. Having spent years abroad and in Taiwan, I seem to have a better understanding of people and thus able to put my observation into my work. In some ways, I feel that we all feel trapped in some ways, no matter by our relationships, societal standards or reality; we feel helpless and can do nothing to change. This is why I I think art is so important, it is not only an escape, but a chance for us to breathe, to hope and to dream; it motivates us to look for that little light in a sea of darkness and follow that light till we eventually find the exit. I want the audiences to feel inspired or at least comforted by seeing our work; I want everyone to know that change is not some distant fairytale but the 'present'."
Jessica Wang is currently a junior at Emory University, majoring in Film and Media Studies and minoring in Theater. She has always had a passion for storytelling; she has an interest in all aspect of filmmaking and theater, of which include acting, directing, writing and design. Jess has been involving in film and theater projects as well as advancing her skill set which include acting, photography, animation, video edition and special effects. On top of everything, Jess is a creative, independent, motivated individual that is always ready to work and take on new challenges
Jess directed/ edited 『A Story of an Island』project 3 videos, "Time of Lost," "Prayer" and "I Met You," in 2020, and she continues to work in our team in 2021.

Xavier Bell
Choreography "Rise and Sink," "Numb"
『會開始跳舞是一個偶然的契機。大學一年級時,我參加了一個初階現代舞課來賺取體育學分。我從小就沒有接觸過什麼舞蹈,也沒有深入思考過它對我的意義,但我意識到舞蹈就存在於你我周遭。它存在於對一個人的腳步、一個人形體的探索中、簡單地坐著的平凡、黑板上敲出聲音的節奏。它源自於自發性的決定:“今天,我將隨著我的衝動主修舞蹈。” 我以探索如何應用兩個不同領域、觀察兩者之中的關聯性,不停的發問來在我的兩個主修達到平衡。我不是從小跳舞長大的,我只是隨著我的感覺,一條在風中飄過我的紅色的繩子。跳舞和與藝術共存賦予我一種超越自我的存在,僅存於那些能夠見證它的人的腦海中。為那些允許我的人給予熱情、影像、希望、靈感和安慰。藝術不僅僅是一種簡單的視覺或感官體驗,它是關於探索和理解你是誰、你可以成為什麼樣的人、品嘗轉瞬即逝的幸福時刻,擁抱那些衝動,追隨我們在生活中偶遇的紅線風。』
Introducing our beautiful dancer in "Sink and Rise" and "Numb"
Xavier Bell: "Movement for me began on a whim, in a freshman Modern I class I took to fulfill a P.E credit. I'd grown up never experiencing movement or delving into what it meant to me, but I realized movement existed all around me. It's found in the exploration of one's steps, one's features. The mundanity of simply sitting, the rhythm of pens clicking as the marker draws across the board. The spontaneity of deciding: "Today, I'll follow this whim, I'll major in dance." I balance my two majors by interesectioning, and exploring how each binds the other, and simply never stop asking questions. I didn't grow up dancing, I followed a whim, a red string that floated past me in the wind. Dancing and artistically existing grants me an existence that outlives myself, existing within the minds of those that can witness it. To give passion, images, hope, inspiration, and comfort for those that allow me. Art is much more than a simple visual, or sensory experience, it's about exploring and understanding who you are and what you can be, savoring the sometimes fleeting moments of happiness, embracing those whims, and following the red strings that we happen upon in the wind."

張凱蒂 Katie Zhang
Choreography "The Weight of a Lost Dream"
目前是埃默里大學的大三生,主修商業和經濟與數學。 她從 5 歲起就開始跳芭蕾舞和民族舞,目前正在學習現代和嘻哈。 Katie 從大一開始就加入埃默里舞蹈團,並持續享受探索新的表達方式。 她也參與了埃默里大學校園唯一的中國舞蹈社,木蘭舞蹈團。她從中學時期開始的舞蹈導師是楊青。 總而言之,凱蒂從舞蹈所提供的自由中找到了快樂,因為它以一種身體和內心傳達情感的方式。
Katie Zhang is currently a junior at Emory University, majoring in Business and Economics & Math. She has been dancing ballet and 民族舞since she was 5, and is currently learning modern and hip hop. Katie has danced with the Emory Dance Company since her freshman year and continues to enjoy exploring new forms of expression. She has also been involved with Mulan Dance Group, Emory’s only Chinese dance group on campus, and her mentor since middle school is Yang Qing. All in all, Katie finds joy in the freedom dance provides, because it conveys emotion in such a physical and visceral way.