All the words mean nothing, when I hide in my walls, when you're caged in my screen, we're forever alone... 從不停止的簡訊,網路聯繫,看似熱鬧頻繁,卻帶來人們更深的寂寞感... Original music & lyrics: Angela Wang; video/ photography: Von Taipei
Violin opening of the live concert "A Story of an Island 2018 with projected texts on big screen. Violin solo by Joe Cheng 陳奕宏
生命就是...不斷的,勇敢地向前!Life is: Never stop moving forward!…
台灣是個友善的島嶼,我們的孩子在愛與支持下成長,相信人性的善良,相信努力就會有收獲。然而社會的變遷超乎我們想像,在面對ㄧ次次對現實的失望後,才明白,人生,不是包著糖衣的童話故事⋯”One Too Many Times”就是在描寫這種心境。”Stories were told when we were little, it made me believe in the good in people. but the real world is so different, in a disappointing way, when the truth was revealed. just one too many times, just one too many talk, just one too many dreams chase me down to the rabbit hole. Just one too many times, just one too many talk, just one too many dreams. Ah~no more sugar coat...”
"A Story of an Island" is a song full of love, we worry about what is happening around us nowadays, we wish all the best for our loved ones. This place might not be perfect, but it is our home. This is a song about the island we're living in, a story about our home.
An interview with our photographer Von Taipei